These resources are available for purchase
These would make excellent gifts or a great addition to your book collection
Cost of the item does not include shipping
The uniqueness of Eastern Christianity Beneath the Mantle of Your Mercy Prayerbook
$25.00 $20.00
Guardian Angel Children's Prayerbook Give thanks to the Lord
$15.00 $12.00
Knowing God The Orthodox Study Bible
$20.00 $50.00
Our Faith Our Path
$3.00 $3.00
Our Worship We are Children of Light workbook
$3.00 $7.00
Glory to God! (Preschool edition) God Is with Us! (Kindergarten)
$30.00 $ 15.00
Light for Life: Part 1 Light for Life: Part 2
$10.00 $10.00
Light for Life: Part 3 Meditations for Advent
$10.00 $15.00
Christ Is Born! Christ is Born! 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle
$5.00 $20.00
Daily meditations and prayers for the
Christmas Advent Fast and Epiphany